Welcome to knight1hawk's web page.

Welcome To My Home Page

Hi. Welcome to my knight1hawk's web page.

I would like to personally thank you for coming and checking this site out.

Sorry I havn't been around for awhile. But I was forced to sit back awhile. Things got very tough and out of control there for awhile and well yes you guessed it things still have not changed much. But I do hope that now maybe things have mellowed out some what and that I will be able to update and change the stuff on my pages more often again.

So please come back and check on us once in awhile.

Who am I you ask?

Please allow me introduce myself. My name is Martin Buck Vandenberg and have been in a common-law relationship for 14 and hopefully many more years with Heather.
We have two children, a daughter and a son.

I have a story to tell you about a person that was injured on the job April 2 1996 while working for Ainsworth Lumber Company Chasm Division.

You will be amazed at what this injured worker and his family were forced to go though after the accident by Workers Compensation Board, BCMed, Doctors, Hospitals, Social Services, Human Resources and the Disability office.

What started out like any other work day and then bang in a matters of seconds normal life and plans came to an sudden halt due to a lumber mill accident which disabled the worker permanantly.

The worker was struck in the right side of the neck by a 6 foot long 2x4 that got shot out of the grizzly/chipper and came though a 1/16 inch steel wall. Wham just like that. Didn't hear it coming, not even a warning. Now disabled for life.


That worker was me.

Things You Should Maybe Think About When Working For An Employer

Is your employer covered by the Worker's Compensation Board? Do you know what happens to injured employees once WCB gets involved? Should you or do you have life insurance? Do you need a back up plan just in case you get injured on the job because of some one elses mistakes?

This used to be our tow truck until....

We were forced by WCB and Human Reources/Welfare to sell the tow truck, heavy equipment mechanic tools & lots of other assets real cheap because nobody around Clinton, 100 Mile House and Ashcroft BC are rich so that we could pay for some of the the bills, pay rent and buy food etc.
Thank you for visiting my site.
Please sign into my guestbook and let me know if you can help or have any information that could help in anyway.8690